At some point in our life many of us find our wallets stuffed with credit and debit cards of all sorts. Some have great rewards, some have great benefits, and not mention those with low interest rates. As fun as starting your very own credit card collection may be, there are many disadvantages to having a variety of them. First of all, with so many cards for so many different uses, it becomes very easy to forget to pay off your bills on time. Besides for that, having many cards can make it easier for identity theft to occur, along with having the urge to buy many things you don't need. If you find yourself with a stack of plastic, perhaps take some time and do some research. Look into each card individually to see what is best for your needs and lifestyle. The even better thing to do is cancel all or most of your cards and opt for credit card that is senior friendly. Below are some of the best credit cards to consider for seniors of all ages.
1. As we know the elderly is more prone to identity and credit card theft, seniors must constantly be aware of their charges and payments. Seniors tend to get mixed up in all sorts of scams, by falling into traps and unknowingly giving out their credit card numbers to criminals. One option to prevent this is the True Link Card ( For $10 a month, a trusted administrator can monitor any activity that may be suspicious, as well as set spending limits. This card is a debit card so there will be no interest fees or overdraft fees. Not only is the card great to keep seniors safe, but it is perfect for the forgetful senior as well.
2. For those seniors who love earning rewards and benefits through their card usage, they should check out the AARP Credit Card from Chase ( Designed exclusively for AARP Members this card is big on the cash-back, points reward, and a host of other benefits tailored towards seniors. With no annual fee, this card may may be the right one for the elderly.
3. For seniors stuck in a low credit pit, one card that may be helpful is the Capital One Secured Mastercard ( This card regularly reports credit changes, as it allows you to build up your credit score. Along with that, it has a yearly fee of just $29, which makes affordable for most.
These three options are just a few of the many possibilities! Because there are so many cards to choose from, it can feel quite overwhelming to choose the right one. Hopefully the information will give you a great place to start!
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